About us

From the Facebook group Colt C7/ C8NLD Airsoft Owners Group we have already made many people happy with high-quality rail kits for their replicas. Our community has proven to be a valuable resource for airsoft enthusiasts who want to improve and personalize their gear.

We are proud to have received so many enthusiastic reactions and positive feedback from our members. This motivates us to further expand our services and help even more airsoft players find the perfect accessories for their replicas.

To make it even easier for everyone to reach us and order from us, we are working on improving our communication channels and ordering processes. We want to ensure that you can easily and quickly find the right rail kit that meets your specific wishes and requirements.

Our mission is to provide a wide range of quality rail kits that are not only functional but also enhance the aesthetics of your replica. By continuously listening to feedback from our members, we continue to refine our products and services to meet the high expectations.

Keep track with us on Colt C7NLD/C8NLD FB groep and keep an eye on our group for the latest updates, new products and special offers. Together we will make sure that your airsoft experience is taken to the next level!

For which platforms are we sure it fits?

CymaMTWTokyo Marui
Specna ArmsKJW
WE Katana M4